Here at NowICanOwn, we help you get approved for homeownership.
We specialize in helping with low credit scores and various other obstacles which may prevent approval along with Down Payment Assistance consulting.
So don’t worry if you are a first time home buyer and feel becoming a homeowner may be difficult, you are in the right place. We do all the work necessary to get you approved, which makes home buying simple and stress free.
Our housing program We have everything you need under one roof:
Approval preparation consultants (which work with you to achieve the necessary credit scores for approval (if needed)
Participating Lenders which offer FHA Down Payment Assistance for FHA which covers 100% of your down payment
And Affiliate Realtors (to help you find the perfect home). There are no restrictions, you can choose to purchase your home wherever you would like. You can even purchase out of State if you wish.
So, don't let low credit scores won't stop you any longer. With NowICanOwn, Now You Can!